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  • 1.  Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 13, 2009 12:51 PM

    Let's say, for example, that I need to report on usage for WinZip v8 and WinZip v9.  I create policies in App Metering to monitor Start events based on a combo of Product Name and Version.  Because both versions of the app use the same executable name (winzip32.exe), by default the "Installed vs. Used" report is going to combine the usage numbers for both of these policies and stick it across from WinZip32.exe (the ProductName coming from the Inventory Solution software audit table), right?  If that's the case, I need to differentiate these somehow within Inventory Solution so that they show up separately in the report.  What is the best practice to accomplish this?  My thought is to edit the auditpls.ini Override Properties section. 

    If that Is the best solution, does it accept wildcards?  While I want to see usage for version 8, I certainly don't want to have to create overrides for every patch version number (e.g., 8.1.1, 8.1.23, 8.2.03, etc...).  I'm hoping I can just do something like 8*.

  • 2.  RE: Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 14, 2009 10:52 AM
    Maybe it would be easier to just add the version to the App Metering report?  Just clone the existing and add something like (I don't have the exact table alias or column bear with me):
    SELECT blah blah, blah, App_Metering.[Product Version], blah blah

    FROM ....

    Then you don't need to mess with Overrides in AuditPls.ini.

  • 3.  RE: Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 14, 2009 11:38 AM
    If I were to do that, I'm thinking my usage numbers would be off. Wouldn't I need to define an App Metering policy to monitor each of the potential versions to get it to match up correctly in the report? All I really want to match on is major version number.

    For example, I don't want to end up with this...

    App Name           Version           Installed          Used
    ---------------          ------------         -------------        ----------
    winzip32.exe       8.1                      10                    5
    winzip32.exe       8.1.13                 20                   5
    winzip32.exe       9.1                      10                    5
    winzip32.exe       9.1.13                 20                    5

    I really want to see...

    App Name          Version           Installed             Used
    ---------------         ------------         -------------            ----------
    winzip32.exe         8                       30                     10
    winzip32.exe         9                       30                     10

  • 4.  RE: Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 14, 2009 03:32 PM
    Tried your suggestion, and it did indeed give odd results.  If I run the default report without Version info and compare that to the modified report, Used Counts are getting duplicated for different versions of the same app.

  • 5.  RE: Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 15, 2009 10:20 AM

  • 6.  RE: Reporting on different app versions in Application Metering

    Posted May 15, 2009 10:23 AM
    I know what you mean.  In one report I created to "normalize" Office version usage and make it more friendly, so that instead of Word 11.0.xxxx it shows "Word 2003".  In the SQL, add:
    CASE (LEFT(app.[Product Version], 2)
       WHEN '9.' THEN ' 2000'
       WHEN '10' THEN ' XP'
       WHEN '11' THEN ' 2003'
       WHEN '12' THEN ' 2007'
       ELSE app.[Product Version] END AS [Version]

    You'll have to put that in both the SELECT and GROUP BY (if there is a GROUP BY) statements.